Wednesday 30 January 2013

Click for Love (Romance By You)

Sophie is sacked after accidentally sending a text intended for her new boyfriend to everyone in the company (personally, I think anyone sending a text as cringe making as that deserves to be shot, so she gets off quite lightly). But the company’s decision backfires on them just slightly when the talented Emma also leaves. Emma decides this is the perfect opportunity to pursue their dream of setting up their own fashion line, while Sophie decides this is the perfect opportunity to get Emma interested in one of her favourite hobbies: online dating.

I usually personalise books with myself as the star, but I decided I’d let my friend Emma be the main character this time. I kind of wish I hadn’t – the lucky girl gets to have two boyfriends, which is just unfair. All Sophie gets is an unpersonalised guy called JJ (though that could stand for anything, so it's not all bad). Emma's first boyfriend is Gareth, who doesn’t exactly make a good impression on their first date, though he is quite amazingly sexy. Then there’s the guy she talks to online. He makes a good impression on the internet, but he might have a face like a turnip for all Emma knows.

In addition to the romance, there’s a bit of drama – Emma and Sophie’s former employer isn’t that thrilled to hear of their success, and wants to put them out of business…with Gareth’s help. Wendy Pickett's subplot is simple enough not to take up too many words or overshadow the romance, but it’s full of mystery and intrigue.

I enjoyed the fashion side of the story – there’s enough detail to make it exciting, but hopefully not enough to bore people who aren’t interested in fashion. I also love Emma and Gareth as a couple. Emma is quick to jump to conclusions and take offence, but that’s only bad news if you’re Gareth. If you’re a reader who’s hoping to be entertained, those parts are great.

But there are also lots of opportunities to see them getting on well together. They really are a very sweet couple, and I love how both are very confident in their ability to do their jobs, but they are much less sure of themselves where dating is concerned. Gareth’s stammering is particularly adorable.

In some ways, Gareth and Emma were nothing like the real Gareth and Emma, but it can be even funnier when you’re imagining two people doing something you know they would never do in real life. Emma going camping? No chance, she’d probably consider a four-star hotel to be ‘roughing it’. Gareth skinny dipping in a waterfall? Not in a million years. But believe me, it was fun imagining it!

There are a couple of names to be avoided in personalisation. It would be better not to call your hero Olmer, but you probably don’t want to, anyway. Sameena and Venuziad could also cause confusion, but I googled Venuziad and only found 6 hits, and I’m not even sure they’re people.

As I don’t have a pet, I chose to name my cat after a guy I know. I wasn’t sure how well it would work, but the result is hilarious. There’s one bit where he’s lying on the floor, snoring his head off, and I can so imagine it. It’s worth having an imaginary cat, just for that.